Eswatini Rail Link Detailed Design from Sidvokodvo to Phuzumoya


Kingdom of Eswatini


Ministry of Public Works and Transport/Roads Department, Eswatini


09/2020 to 12/2021


The Government of Eswatini and the Republic of South Africa have agreed to undertake the construction of a Rail Link from Lothair in South Africa, that will connect with the Eswatini Railway Network.The entire Rail Link Project consists in establishing a railway from Davel (South Africa), to Richards Bay Harbour and to Maputo (Mozambique), by the construction of a new railway line from Lothair to Sidvokodvo and the re-routing and upgrading of the existing rail routes in South Africa and Eswatini.

The Eswatini portion of this proposed railway line starts at the Nerston border, travels through Sidvokodvo to Phuzumoya and then down to the Golela border and is approximately 141 km long, comprising an entirely new alignment: the part under this Assignment concerns the stretch from Sidvokodvo to Phuzumoya, 37 km long (WP4).


  • Review of the Preliminary Engineering Design – FEL-3
  • Detailed Engineering Design – FEL-4