Patani Bridge




SETRACO Nigeria Ltd


4/2011 – 12/2014


Construction engineering and technical assistance to the Construction Contractor, during all the erection stages of this long span bridge, length of 849m and main spans of 95m. The technical assistance includes modification of permanent design details to suit the preferred erection method, design of temporary special systems, geometric control of the bridge during construction, with respect to the theoretical calculated values, and supervision of the works. The deck has a variable single box cross section and is formed by precast pre-stressed concrete units erected by a launch girder with balanced cantilever method.

In 2013, TEAM patented an innovative construction method for bridge pier foundation bases in water. This invention drastically reduces the cost and duration of the work execution, maintaining the quality of the final result. The application of this work method is particularly recommended for wetland, swamps and marshy environments. This construction method was in fact developed and successfully employed for two important bridges in Nigeria (Patani, over river Nun, and Kaiama, over River Forcados, with spans of 849 and 700m, respectively) and has allowed a significant saving of construction time and cost to the construction contractor (Setraco).


  • Construction engineering and “value engineering” (construction design optimization)
  • Supervision of the works
  • Design of special temporary systems such as:
    – jacking system for the lowering down, along the steel casing of the 16 piles
    1.3m diameter, of the foundation base precast concrete for the piers in water
    – pier restraint for the balanced deck cantilever erection
    – pier tie-back system and temporary deck supports and restraints.